Stephanie Grasmick, a veteran digital campaign strategist and partner at Rising Tide Interactive, talks about how she sees campaigns doing digital in 2016 and what her predictions are for new trends in this election cycle.
msnbc: Tell me a little bit about Rising Tide Interactive. How is your firm gearing up for 2016 and what role do you envision playing in this election cycle?
Stephanie Grasmick: Rising Tide Interactive is a Democratic/progressive digital media consulting agency specializing in direct response and persuasion/GOTV digital advertising, as well as email fundraising. We have often focused on helping Democrats win in states where our party traditionally hasn not had that much success, like Indiana and North Dakota. Two of our four partners are women, along with the majority of our staff. We also have a strong track record working for women candidates, including Senator Jeanne Shaheen, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, and Governor Gina Raimondo.
Read the rest of Stephanie’s interview over at MSNBC.