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2019 Social Pressure Test


Democrats who voted in 2016 or 2018 but not 2015







  • Paid digital social pressure ads increased turnout by 0.8 percentage points (pp) (p < .01).
  • This is one of the largest effects Analyst Institute has observed of paid digital ads on voter turnout.

2018 Creative Tests 


1.36 million voters in 817k addressable TV households, moderately liberal


Vote USA Cartoon (RTI produced)

Light, pleasant tone on act of voting message


Voter Report (RTI produced)

Official/clinical treatment of act of voting message


Power/Fight (Not produced by RTI)

Raw, DIY-feeling, with voting as empowerment message


Puppets/Know (Not produced by RTI)

Humorous spin on social pressure to be a voter


Brooklyn Nine Nine (Not produced by RTI)

Celebrity/talent humor hook for ease of voting message



  • Two ads, emphasizing vote-planning and social pressure, had a significant effect (p < 0.1).