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Digital Billboard raising awareness of Kroger's support of Elaine Chao. Featuring spoiled food imagery.

Explainer of the online newspaper coverage that features a photo of the digital billboard for Kroger to drop Elaine Chao.

Democratic Governors Association


Facebook post urging to defend our shores. Image: A shoreline with color block and text at right.

Facebook social ad urging to protect the EPA. Image: A national park with white text and bottom red CTA

Florida State Parks Foundation


Facebook Social asking for the viewers priorities survey. A medley of FL animals and national parks are displayed in hexagons at the top.

Image: Amelia Island, FL shoreline with the text at right "Amelia Island is a Florida treasure."

Email Gif promoting the "Coral Cam" a live footage FL coral reef stream.

Email graphic with two manatees and asking the viewer to take a survey for how much do they know about manatees.

Tim Kaine for Virginia


A smoke stack with smoke partially obscuring the words Protect the EPA

League of Conservation Voters


Web Banner urging congress to Save the EPA from budget cuts overlaid on a photo of a national park.

Web Banner of Bear photo with Speak for them and Save the EPA from budget cuts text overlaid for LCV.

Michigan Immigrant Rights Center


Gradient icon of an alert phone next to text urging the viewer to call the Hotline with phone number present.

Spanish version of Gradient icon of an alert phone next to text urging the viewer to call the Hotline with phone number present.

Voto Latino


Photo of Capitol on blue square with bold text of Immediate Action and bottom red CTA banner