With Late Night with David Letterman off the air, we assume that the top-ten format is up for grabs, and because we care about your ~social media presence~ here are 10 things that should never be a part of your company’s Twitter program.
- Typos/Grammatical errors
- Making light of Memorial Day, Veterans Day, or any other somber, reflective holiday
- Misusing modern slang
See: YOLO - Obviously purchasing followers from a shady vendor
We see you @00312AY120 - Following and/or interacting with inappropriate accounts
You know it when you see it - Long, ugly links — Bitly is your friend!
- Feeding the trolls
- Biting satire
That Onion article will do just fine without your official endorsement - Random sports tweeting
Hometown heroes/national teams or nothing
And finally…
- Any T-Swift criticism
Keep it to yourself, Buzz Killington